Folklorico at DCSA


Saturday: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Experience this beautiful tradition

DCSA's Intro to Folklorico class is specially designed to engage dancers ages 3 to 6 year old! This class will focus on the foundational building blocks of folklorico dance as dancers learn the basics of footwork, arm placement, and skirt work. Dancers will also learn about the different regions/states of Mexico and their dance styles!

DCSA's Adult Beginner Folklorico class will teach students the foundations of folklorico dance, focusing on basic footwork, arm placement, skirt work! Dancer will also learn about the different regions/states of Mexico and their dance styles. All dancers ages 18 and up are welcome to join, whether you have danced when you were younger and are looking to reignite your passion or if you are just beginning your dancing journey, this class is for you!